A Busy Saturday
Hello! It is I, Baar, with another report. Baar had a very exciting Saturday. First Emily and Baar went to one of the most wonderful places in the world - the Lakewood dog park! Baar has enclosed a link: http://lakewooddogpark.com/
Baar was a very good boy but demonstrated home dominant he is requiring a time out on one
occassion. Here are some photo's of all the fun
Baar had:
Baar enjoyed rough housing with his new bloodhound friend.
Everyone loves Baar. Here Baar is getting a pat from a another dogs owner.
Baar is such a fast runner. The little dog was running after Baar but Baar is so fast that he will never catch up. Silly little dog
Baar even had a good time at the community water dish. See all Baar's friends?
After the dog park, Emily and Baar went to Gone to the Dogs so that Baar could have a bath. The staff were very nice to Baar and thought he was handsome but also very dirty! They could not believe that Baar just had a bath a couple of weeks ago and gave Emily 2 bottles of shampoo for Baar! Baar was good but not very happy. Baar wishes that Emily could be a little more flexible about the dirty dog thing. It only cost Baar a little over $18.00 for a bath! Baar suggests that you and your friend visit Gone to the Dogs. Baar looks so clean now! Check out http://www.gttdogs.com/Enter.htm to find out more about Gone to the Dogs.
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