Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Boys

Hello! It is I, Baar. Baar would like all of him's blog friends to know that Baar and Brutus are becoming better friends. We follow Joe and Emily around together all the time. If one of us goes to see what they are doing the other one has to come to.
Joe said that we are like little kids because every time one of us has something the other one wants one to. Last night Baar was playing with him's pink bunny so Brutus wanted a stuffed animal to. When Brutus got to go outside to smoke with Joe, Baar had to go to (even though Baar often stays inside).

Baar is sleeping so well now that him has another dog there that the other day him did not wake up until Emily opened the door! In Baar's defense, Emily stopped home during the day so Baar was not expecting her. Baar wishes Emily would come home early every day. Yes, and then we could go to the dog park. Yes, just Baar and Emily and Joe at the dog park.

Brutus is still grumpy sometimes. Baar knows that Brutus wants pink bunny to be his best friend. But no, pink bunny loves Baar (ha ha Brutus).


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