Brushing - A Dialog
Nooo Emily, Baar does not want to be brushed.
What's that? A treat? Look how good Baar sits! Okayyyy you can brush Baar while he eats his tasty treat. Yum!
All gone - no more brushing please! What? Nooooo Baar does not mind having mats. Baar is fine. Here, Baar will bite the brush so you can see how much Baar does not like it.
More treats! Look how good Baar sits. What's that? Baar is sitting just out of reach? You noticed that. Baar did not think you would. Ok, Baar will let you brush him once more while he eats his treat.
All gone! No more brushing! Ohhhh treats on the table. Baar will eat them. Oh no, you can brush Baar for longer since the treat is crumbled up. That is not good but Baar loves his treats. Tasty.
More treats on the table. Hmmm.... Baar wants the treats but if Baar comes there you will brush him.. Baar will come from the other direction! Ha! You'll never be able to brush Baar if he's standing on this side.
Ohhhhhh that did not work. You still brushed Baar. What? Your going to brush Joe on the couch?
Wait... Joe's getting brushed. Baar thinks he wants to be brushed now to. Nooooo don't pay attention to Joe and brush him, brush Baar instead.
Ha Joe! Emily is brushing Baar and not you!
Hey, wait a minute....
Ohhhhh, Baar - you are so tricky and clever. Watch out Enid! Baar is very smart now.
Dear Melanie
Baar is cerainly not smart. The humans tricked him into being brushed. Enid would never fall for such obvious rouses.
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