Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Lucky Baar

Good Morning! It is I, Baar. Yesterday Baar's good friend Melanie called and told Emily that there was a fire where Baar used to live! The transitional housing unit that Baar lived outside of for 6 months before entering foster care had a fire. Baar is very glad that no one was hurt. Baar also feels very fortunate to have so many good friends. If Baar was there he might have been hurt or gotten lost. Oh no, Baar does not like the idea of that.

Yesterday Baar got to stay out of the crate when Emily and Joe went to work! It was sad when they left but Baar was such a good boy. Baar only made two mistakes. One is pictured to the left. Can you figure out what Baar did? It is a guessing game (Baar will give you the answer at the end of the post).

Today Baar is out of the crate again. Baar is glad but wishes that he could go to work with the people. Emily said that she checked out the idea of doggy day care but in the end her and Joe decided that it wasn't a good idea. They said that there seemed to be too many dogs to not enough people at the places they checked out. Also they do not want to risk Baar having a bad experience with another dog and them not being there to help Baar. Baar would only be able to go once a week (doggy day care seems to average about $20.00 a day). Emily and Joe would not ask SAFE to pay for it. Baar is not so sure that he agrees with Emily and Joe. Do any of Baar's readers have opinions?

Ok, time for the answer to the guessing game.

Baar knocked down the middle curtain. Baar also knocked down the curtains in the kitchen. Baar just wanted to see outside. Today Emily put up the mini blinds and moved the curtains out of the way. Emily and Joe were so proud of Baar for being a good boy.


At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucky Baar,
I am glad that you are being such a good boy! Maybe we can go to the dog park this weekend and you can meet Emily. But I am worried that Micki might get mad. I will send you a picture of Emily to post on your blog.

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Baar (aka Baar pronounced Bear) said...

Ohhh no Micki will not be mad. Baar has an idea about that. Baar will post it on his next entry. Baar already has a title...

Baar would LOVE to meet you at the dog park! Baar will bring his Emily and you can bring yours. Maybe the Beau and Billy the St. Bernards will come to!


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