Great Lakes Medieval Faire

Hello! It is I, Baar. Baar got to go to a Medieval Festival! It was so much fun. Baar went with Emily, Joe, and Emily's mom and dad. The picture to the right is of us getting ready to watch one of the shows. The show was a play done with people falling into a mud pit. The people that it was funny but Baar did not. They were hitting each other with long pointy things! Baar does not like violence - him's tail went down and he tried to go help the people fighting. Emily and Joe told him it was just pretend and gave him pets. Baar felt better but was still a little concerned.

Hey Baar,
Glad you had a nice time at the festival - maybe next year instead of a costume you could get more paintings done like you did for the 4th! That was way cool!
How is your bud Brutus doing? And the kitten next door? Update us, please!
Enjoy the coming cooler fall...
I am commenting on the lovely outing that you had. It looks like a lot of fun. I am speaking on behalf of Roxy, Buster and of cours Felix the kitten. Buster and Roxy thank Baar of course for bringing the kitten into their lives. Felix also thank Emily, Baar and Emily's Dad for rescuing him.
Felix is now double the size, and turning out to be a very curious cat. He love to play with Roxy, and isn't to sure about Buster giving him a constant bath.
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