Sunday, April 09, 2006

Baar's Busy Saturday

Hello! It is I Baar. Baar had a very busy day on Saturday. Baar and Emily took Joe to the airport - he is off to a conference Las Vegas. Baar then ran errands with Emily and got to vist with Micki and Micki's dad! We went to the park and played in the backyard and the house. It was so fun. Baar had a great time.

Micki replied to Baar's blog and told him she would like some tasty treats. Baar is going to bring her some next time. Baar will win Micki's heart. She pretends she doesn't love Baar as much as he loves her but Baar is not disuaded!

Baar also got to visit with Beth and met Corkey. Corkey did not seem to enjoy Baar but Baar had fun anyway.

The picture is of Baar enjoying a car ride. If you happened to be driving behind Baar this is what you would probably see. Baar loves care rides!

Baar still isn't feeling very well. Baar is having many accidents in the house and in the car. Emily talked to Karen and she thinks this is because Baar isn't feeling well. Emily will talk to Dr. Preuter on Monday. Baar is sensing some frustration on Emily's part about this. But Baar did a great job sleeping downstairs by himself not in his crate last night. Baar knows that made Emily very happy.

Oh, and Baar knows you are all concerned so Baar will tell you that his bump is almost totally gone!


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