Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Very Difficult Night - Emily

Tonight I wanted to kill Baar. No really, I did. We got home from work to find that Baar had peed in his crate. I know, animals have accidents and usually I don't loose my cool but I was tired and Joe was tired - we discovered we had to re-caulk the tub...tonight... surfice to say there is a lot going on.

So Baar peed - and not a little bit of pee either. Baar peed a freaking river. The carpet under the crate was not salvagable and as I got to cleaning up the mess Baar, thrilled to be out of the crate, ran around the house like a dog possessed, knocking over a ceramic container.

Then Baar and I headed out to Kmart to get a replacement rug for under the crate. Baar had a tantrum about being left in the car alone and tried to shove his head out the crack in my window while crying so loudly that other shoppers must have belived that he was on fire.

After spending around $50.00 on a carpet, dog wipes to clean him up and housebreaking pads to protect the new carpet we tooled on home. After watching him inhale a second helping of water, Joe and I decided that he was probably extra thirsty, and thus extra "full" because of the medication he is on. Then feeling somewhat guilty I began to spot wash him as he had gotten pee all over himself. Joe busied himself setting the crate back up.

Of course, Baar hated his spot wash and struggled almost as much as possible. I have to admit that it was easier to get a hold of his front paws due to some training we'd been doing. So I mellowed a bit and took him for another walk.

You'd have thought Baar had never seen the outdoors before. He was thrilled to be out and was pulling like mad. Once we got to the perfect spot he decided to have a poo. Luckily for me it was nice and loose (probably the medicine). While I was picking it up he decided to run full tilt for the street jaring me and causing me to drop poop on my foot. Seeing my distress he ran back and began running around me thus wraping me in the leash.

After untangeling myself the walk continued. Boisterous as ever he once again ran for the street. When we finally arrived home he spoted something in the back yard and nearly dislocated my arm jolting after it. Ok, my arm is fine but it did hurt and I think I'm entitled to a little drama.

Oh, and as I type this he is at the foot of the stairs crying.

Joe is off to Las Vegas for a week on Saturday.


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