Tuesday, May 02, 2006

60 Days - Emily

For those of you that have been keeping track, we hit the 60 day mark today! That's right, Baar has been with us for two full months! Baar started the celebration out right with a trip to Pretty Coat Junction for a bath and grooming. He is pictured to the right in the shop. Boy was he ever happy to see us!

Normally SAFE foster care ends at this point and the animal is either reunited with his/her owner or is put up for adoption. Baar's situation is a bit different. His owner does not have as much control over establishing a safe place for her and Barry as most clients of SAFE do. As a result foster care has been extended.

Those of you who know Joe and I are probably not surprised by this. Nor will you be shocked to hear that I requested the extension. A pivotal decision in whether or not Baar will be able to return to his owner is expected within the month or so and I know Barry is very important to her.

Here is where it gets painful - he's also become quite important to us. We've become way more attached to him then expected. If he is not able to return to his owner soon Baar will become a permanent member of our family. I don't know what the future hold for Barry but I do know that he is a special dog. Listed below is a quick recap of his accomplishments:

Not responding to name.

Knows exactly what Barry or Baar means
Would not sit, lie down, or stay on command.

Much better! Slow to respond at times but regularly reacts as desired.
Would not allow paws to be handled.

Presents paws on command!
Cry and wait when I would leave the room. Would not be distracted.

Still crys and waits on occasion but also moves on to other activities.
Would not eat without me in the room.
Now eats when he's alone in the room but tends not to eat when left alone all day.
Would not drink water when left alone.

Drinks a little when bhimselflf.
Aggressive behavior towards Joe.
Greatly reduced. Baar still likes to play rough at times but it is now clear that he is playing. Before it was clear that he was warning Joe to back off.
Cried for a long time at bedtime with Joe.

Goes right to sleep!
Wandered around a lot seemed to have difficulty relaxing.

Very relaxed - Baar is still super high energy but he can also kick back with the best of them.
Would not come.

Much better. Consistently comes inside the house and often comes outside and at the park.
Destructive when not crated and alone.

No damage for a week!
Would not get in crate.

Goes in to crate to play with ball and will go in when commanded (though hesitantly at times).
Would bolt out the door when it was opened.

Now waits until he's told ok!
Pulled constantly on leash when walking.

Much better! Still needs reminders but is much calmer (even when confronted with kitties or other dogs).
Guarded behavior towards men.

Baar seems much more comfortable around men in general.
Potty accidents.

A thing of the past! I think he was just sick.

A special thanks to Karen and Melanie. Karen has really helped us work with him on the issues above and Melanie has been super supportive through every challenge.


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