Friday, March 24, 2006

Baar's Ball

Hello! It is I, Baar again. Baar is here to tell you that he likes his interactive ball now under certain cicumstances. Baar loves to play with it when it is in his crate, the door of the crate is open, and his friends Emily and Joe are in the room. Then what fun it is!

Baar's ball is in fact the ONLY toy or animal of Baar's that is not liberated from the crate at the end of the day or almost immediately up on being placed in there.


At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you call him out of the crate if he has his ball in it. Can you take it from him out of his cage if he's in it with the ball. If you can, then I am soooo happy that he feels safe in his crate. If he is guarding it, call me. KA

At 12:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, he will leave the crate with the ball still in there and he is happy to let us take it out (after all that's how new snacks get put in it!). No guarding that I can see.

Plus, we had to put him in his crate this evening for a few hours so that we could meet some friends. When we came home he was asleep! This is the first time that we know of that he's fallen asleep in there or at least has been so soundly asleep that we didn't wake him up by coming in.

Of course he still doesn't like to be closed in there but it looks like he's making some progress.

I'm very glad to hear that his playing with the ball is a sign of feeling safe :-)


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