Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Karen Answers Our Questions

Please note that Karen deals with animals on an individual basis and the answers below have been customized for Barry. If you need help with your dog, please consider contacting Karen at or another behaviorist/trainer. Also keep in mind that the answers are my understanding of what she said and as you've probably noticed from previous entries perfect I ain't.

Emily and Joe need to work on:
  • Click ONLY when giving a treat (we were clicking and then giving praise instead)
  • incorporating crate into social circle (done - and look how happy Baar is already!)
  • No Dog Park until he is behaving outside (not sure we can do this one)
  • Using action when praising (good sit rather then good dog sit or just good dog)
  • Having Baar sit/lie for food or water, affection, etc.

1. Baar is licking one of his paws from time to time. We've checked it and it seems that nothing is wrong. Is it anxiety? How can we help him stop before he causes damage? We are interrupting him by saying "stop it" and giving him an item that he can lick and chew like his monkey or a bone.
Karen Says - His licking behavior was being reinforced the behavior by giving him a reward for doing it. We should stop it by making a strange sound and then praising him when he stops.

2. Baar still does not like the crate. Would a room be better for him?

Karen Says - No - it's not a room we spend anytime in so it wouldn't be possible to make that area part of our normal social circle.

3. Baar is much more gentle but likes to play rough with Joe. Is this ok?
Karen Says - It is but Baar must learn the where he line is. Use high pitch sounds and praise when he puts his teeth on Joe. Not doing rough play in the house wouldn't hurt.

4. Baar's tendency towards running away is a problem. Joe has been playing chase (Baar chases Joe) to try to prevent him from running. Do you have any other thoughts?
Karen Says - Yes, bonding outside of the house needs to be done - it doesn't carry over. Play "popular" but praise as soon as he looks and/or begins coming towards us rather then once he's made it here.

5. Baar "turfs" lawns at times. What is the reason for this behavior?
Karen Says - Marking. It can be problematic because he will know by sent if another dog has marked over it then next time we go past there. Then if he runs into that dog he can become upset because of it. Don't allow him to do it - keep walking.

6. Sometimes Baar whines a little on his walks for no evident reason (we can't see any small animals or people anywhere around). Is this OK?
Karen Says - Yes, he's probably just excited.

7. What are some hints about identifying aggressive behavior vs playing with other dogs? Are there any bad ways to intervene?
Karen Says - Dogs at the park usually work it out themselves. If your worried about it, ask the owner if rough play is ok.

8. Baar will not let me brush his behind. He sits down as a last resort (he tries to move away and then put his mouth on me). How can I get him to allow me to do that?
Karen Says - Try shaping. Give him a treat when he allows us to do it then start to taper off treats slowly. Then use random reinforcement with treats.

9. Baar is uncomfortable with his paws being touched. I've been touching them lightly and rewarding him when he doesn't pull away. Is there anything else we can do?
Karen Says - Try shaping. Give him a treat when he allows us to do it then start to taper off treats slowly. Then use random reinforcement with treats.

10. Baar's relationship with the cats is not good. While it doesn't seem that he is being aggressive, he is curious about them and tries to get close to them and has been seen going into play position. Is there anything we can do?
Karen Says - Use praise when he is calm around kitty and use sound thing when he is not then praise as soon as he is distracted from bothering kitty.

11. How would we be able to tell if Baar is no longer a danger to the cats?
Karen Says - Baar seems to want to play with the kitties but he plays rough so caution should be used.

12. He is now doing "good behaviors" but at times it seems like he is trolling for treats. Do we give them to him every time anyway? How much is too much?
Karen Says - Yes, Baar still gets treats but make sure that as he learns things are expectations continue to grow. For instance he gets a treat for going in the crate but then needs to sit/lie down for next treat.


At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, um, Enid has retained me to represent her in a lawsuit against SD. She wants him forced to leave the premises. I am not sure if this is a conflict of interest, but she promised to pay me big money!!!

At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I get the opportunity to see how Emily and Joe heard what I said so I can "tweek" it a little.

#3 If Bear puts his mouth on Joe or anyone the person should make a primative,noise (high pitched yelp may work) and stop the play immediately. Then give Bear an opportunity to come back and praise him if he licks Joe.

#8 & 9 For brushing, I recommended brushing a couple of strokes then click and treat and gradually increase the number of strokes before clicking and treating. Every so often do an reduce the number of strokes to make it easy for bear.

As far as touching his feet. . .We started handling Bear at his elbow clicking and treating. Gradually move toward his foot clicking and treating with each gradual success. Once you can hold his feet, gradually stretch the time you hold his feet on the same variable schedule as the brushing.

#10 =11 With regard to the cats. Bear needs to be managed first so he can't injure the cats. And, befor he can be managed he needs to go through a process before he can be comfortable being managed. Then if he lunges at the cats he will hear the "screemer" or smell the "c-spray". When he alerts but doesn't react he is clicked and treated. Hopefully and usually the cats will come arouond while he is being managed and gradually the cats will go closer to him until he habituates to them.

There is an under pinning of leadership found in how all the exercises are done I'm sure I could comment on all the responses Emily wrote but I know that for the most part she and Joe got the general ideas. And.I got the privilege of working with them. We are so greatful for all they are doing for Bear. Note: Please excuse any spelling errors, I'm a terriable speller and there is no spell check I can use. Plus,I don't know how to use this biog thing.

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen! Don't worry about the spelling - it's not my strong point either and doesn't really matter in blogs.

Thank you for the tweeks!

I'm torn about trying to introduce Baar to the cats since he's not a permanent addition to the household. However, if it looks like he will be staying longer then initally planned I think we are going to have to try it and use your suggestions. I totally agree - getting him used to being managed is the place to start. We will focus on that work for the moment.


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