Joe and Baar
Joe is so much fun. Him and Baar play lots of games. One of Baar's favorite games is called Hide the Joe. Joe disappares with a blanket. He calls Baar and Baar can hear him but can't see him! Baar is looking for him in the picture to the right.
Baar tries so hard to get him. Baar is so smart! Joe can not hide from Baar for long. Baar uses his mouth and paw to uncover Joe's head! It is such a fun game. Maybe Joe will play Hide the Joe with you some time if you come over and visit!
Joe and Baar also play bunny. Joe throws the bunny and Baar gets it! Bunny sometimes wants to play with Joe at night and Joe waks up with Bunny in bed with him. Silly Bunny! Emily said that Bunny is not allowed to play outside so when Joe and Baar are outside we play ball. Ball is fun too. Baar likes the chasing part much better then the bringing part.
Baar - that all sounds like so much fun. I bet sometimes Emily wants to play Hide the Joe. What fun for her. Especially when he is not reassuring her in an adequate manner. That Joe!
You are right Melanie! Who would
not want to play hide the joe?
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