Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Baar loves the Couch

Hello! It is I, Baar here to say hello! Baar noticed that Emily and Joe seem to have a lot of fun sitting on the couch and watching TV. Baar likes sitting on his blankie on the floor but the couch seems so nice that Baar has decided that him will sit with Emily up there! Yes, Baar's friend Joe can sit there too. Look how happy Baar is! You can not see her in the picture but Emily is right there! Baar is looking at her!

Baar had so much fun over the weekend. Him got to go to the dog park with Mikki, then Mikki and Baar both had baths at Pretty Coat Junction in Lakewood! Baar does not like baths but Mikki got to go so it wasn't so bad. Baar's favorite part is always getting dried off with the towel.

Then Baar got to go to PetSmart. We got Busy Bones, new Rawhides, a ball and a new kind of food. Baar's new food is called Science Diet Sensitive stomach. Emily and Joe noticed that Baar has always burped a lot and sometime had other problems. Since Baar started eating the new food Baar feels great! No more burping. Ezra has a sensitive stomach and him and Enid eat the same kind of food. They still do not want to be Baar's friend though. Not fair! We are all just the same now!


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